Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Roll With the Punches

If nobody did nobody wrong then the world would be a better place. . .however, reality says different. BUT, as my fabulous, terrific, wonderful, spectacular professor, ASR, would say, "Please, no kiss, chop!" Sooooo, I am very thankful for the things I have in my life, but. . . Do you know when someone says something to you and you are so caught off guard that you have no time to respond? Well, that happened to me and I tell you-I have a lot that I now know that I should have said. What to do? Take the higher road? Yep, but it is so hard! So, I am going to pull up my boot straps, stay calm and carry on! Just had to vent!

If life stayed the way it was. . .

Love to all!

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